Morgan Industrial Technology Blog

2% Ceriated Tungsten for Orbital Welding Applications

Written by Steven Derevencha | Jun 19, 2023 3:52:00 PM

Orbital welding – an automated welding technique known for its consistency and reliability – is crucial in industries where high-quality welds are non-negotiable. One component often overlooked, yet critical to this process, is the electrode, and more specifically, the type of tungsten used. This article explores the unique advantages of 2% ceriated tungsten and offers practical tips for integrating it into your orbital welding processes.

The Role of Tungsten in Orbital Welding

Tungsten's high melting point and excellent conductivity make it an ideal electrode material for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) and orbital welding. Various types of tungsten electrodes exist, but one stands out in particular for orbital welding: 2% ceriated tungsten.

Unpacking the Advantages of 2% Ceriated Tungsten

2% Ceriated Tungsten, also known as Grey Tungsten, brings unique advantages to orbital welding. It offers an excellent arc start at low current levels and remains stable even under high amperage. Compared to other tungsten types, 2% ceriated tungsten requires less amperage to start, improving weld quality, particularly on thinner materials. It also has a longer lifespan, translating into cost savings and reduced downtime for electrode changes.

A Closer Look at the Chemistry of 2% Ceriated Tungsten and Why It Works

Let's break down the chemistry: Cerium, a rare-earth metal, is added to the tungsten electrode at a ratio of 2%, hence the name. Cerium enhances the electron emission qualities of the tungsten electrode, which in turn improves arc starts and allows for a higher current carrying capacity. This explains why 2% ceriated tungsten electrodes provide superior performance, particularly in DC welding applications.

Practical Guidance for Integrating 2% Ceriated Tungsten into Your Welding Processes

Switching to 2% ceriated tungsten can significantly improve your welding process. Here's how to do it:

Choose the Right Diameter: Ensure you're selecting the appropriate diameter of 2% ceriated tungsten for your specific application.

Prepare the Electrode: The tip of your 2% ceriated tungsten electrode should be properly ground to a point.

Set the Right Amperage: As 2% ceriated tungsten requires lower amperage, you'll need to adjust your welding machine settings accordingly.

Maintain the Electrode: Regularly clean and re-grind the electrode tip to maintain optimal performance.

2% ceriated tungsten has proven to be a game-changer in the world of orbital welding. Its enhanced performance and durability can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings. Ready to give it a try? Check out our selection of 2% ceriated tungsten products on our website. Have you already used 2% ceriated tungsten in your welding projects? We'd love to hear your experiences in the comments below.