Morgan Industrial Technology Blog

Installing Tungsten Electrodes in an AMI 8-2000

Written by Steven Derevencha | Apr 19, 2023 6:29:00 PM

The AMI 8-2000 weld head is an advanced weld orbital welding head that requires proper maintenance to ensure consistent and high-quality welds. This instructional provides a step-by-step guide on how to change the electrode of the AMI 8-2000 weld head. By following these instructions, you can effectively change the electrode and extend the lifespan of your weld head.

Gather Necessary Tools and Equipment
Before changing the electrode, gather the necessary tools and equipment. You will need an allen wrench, a new electrode, and safety equipment such as gloves and safety glasses. Ensure that you have the correct tools and equipment before proceeding.

Prepare the AMI 8-2000 Weld Head
To change the electrode, you need to prepare the AMI 8-2000 weld head. First, rotate the rotor until the old electrode is in the 12 o’clock position. Next, either turn off the power supply or disconnect the weld head from the power source and finally, remove the collet assembly.

Remove the Old Electrode
To remove the old electrode, Loosen the tungsten set screw on the face of the rotor turning it counter clockwise. The heat from repeated welds may cause the screw to have seized so apply a generous amount of pressure. Do not remove the screw from the rotor. Be sure to hold the electrode so it doesn’t fall into the weld head assembly.

Install the New Electrode
Insert the new electrode into the rotor assembly and tighten the bolt using the allen wrench. Ensure that the electrode is inserted into the top of the rotor to prevent any issues during welding. It is also important to verify the arc gap here.

Reassemble the AMI 8-2000 Weld Head
Connect the weld head to the power source, and turn on the power supply. Use the return to home function on the power supply to auto-home the rotor. Ensure that all connections are secure and that the weld head is functioning correctly.

Test the Electrode
Perform a test weld and check for any defects or issues. If there are any issues, repeat the steps above to ensure proper installation.

By following these steps carefully, you can change the electrode of the AMI 8-2000 weld head safely and effectively. Proper maintenance of your weld head is essential for achieving consistent and high-quality welds. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your weld head manufacturer for further assistance.