Clamping shells, tube clamp inserts, TCAs, shoes and dies are just a few of the many different terms used in reference to collets in the pipe and tube industry. In addition to the wide array of names associated with collets, there is also variance when it comes to the number quoted in different situations.
To save you from confusion, we are setting the numbers straight when it comes to collets and the quantity associated in different applications.

Standard Orbital Weld Head Collets
To perform a weld with a standard fusion weld head, you'll need four individual pieces. This equals one pair of collets on both sides of the weld head. Because of this, collets are quoted and sold in quantities of two. So, if you are in need of collets for your orbital weld head, you’ll purchase two pairs.
These collets are used to clamp down on the tube or pipe pieces and align the ends in preparation for an orbital weld. Collets are meant to only fit one specific tube or pipe size. If you deal with a range of sizes, it is important to stock all collet sizes needed at your facility. MIT has a variety of orbital weld head collets readily available for purchase or rental.
Tube Clamp Assembly (TCA)
There is always an exception to the rule. Tube clamp assemblies (TCAs), otherwise known as cassettes, are a type of collet that is counted in quantities of one due to the design, which encompasses all parts and sides needed. These collets are used with micro weld heads, usually to weld tubing smaller than .5”. When purchasing, a quantity of one will be quoted and sold.
Tube Facing Collets
Though tube squaring tools have a different purpose than weld heads, collets are still used to clamp down the tube. Collets used in facers are sometimes referred to as a clamping shell but are still considered all the same. Facer collets use the same counting rules as fusion weld head collets, except you only need one side or pair to clamp onto the tube. Therefore, there will be two physical pieces per size, but a quantity of one will be quoted and sold.
By knowing the number and names associated with different types of collets, you are one step closer to getting the right accessories for your orbital welder or tube facing machine.
Now that the numbers are set straight, contact us at 417-485-4575 to ask for a quote on collets. Our customer support team will help you find the correct solution for your individual application by asking the right questions and answering any questions you may have.

Orbital Weld Heads, Orbital Welding Collets, Tube Clamp Assembly, Facing Tool Collets, Orbital WeldingAug 20, 2020 12:00:00 AM